Version 1.1

Effective 12 March 2024

Please read these office rules carefully and check them regularly. This is a binding contract between you and the promoter. These official rules may change from time to time (subject to Section 16, below).

No purchase, payment, or donation of any kind is necessary to enter or win. All entries into a Prize draw have an equal chance of winning.

  1. THE PROMOTER: Lotingo Limited t/a ClubFunder (referred to herein as “ClubFunder” or “the Promoter”) is a private limited company organised under the laws of England and Wales, with company number 13217163, registered office at Units 8/9 Parsons Court, Welbury Way, Aycliffe Business Park, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham DL5 6ZE (the “Registered Office”) and VAT number 439988518. ClubFunder is a for-profit, commercial fundraiser & technology platform. Where the context so requires a Club may also act as a ‘Promoter’.
  2. THE WEBSITE: The website (the “Website”) allows individuals to enter prize-draws hosted on the Website (each a “Prize Draw”) by sports & pastimes clubs and/or charitable causes (each a “Club”) pre- registered with ClubFunder. ClubFunder may elect at their sole discretion, to host their own Prize Draw subject to these Official Rules. A portion of the funds raised through each Prize Draw will be used to support the relevant Club.
  3. APPLICABILITY OF THESE OFFICIAL RULES: These Official Rules provide the general terms and conditions applicable to every Prize Draw on the Website launched on or after 12 March 2024. Each Prize Draw is subject to all applicable international and local laws and regulations and is void where it is not permitted under local laws and regulations.

    1. Additional Rules. Depending on how you enter our Prize Draws, how you interact with us, any relevant Club and the Prizes you win, other rules may apply to you, including our Terms of Use & Subscription Terms of Use and any additional rules imposed by any Club for any Prize Draw (together, as applicable, the “Additional Rules”). Each set of Additional Rules can be found in the footer of each page of the Website under the section “Legal” or within the details of each particular Prize Draw. If there is a conflict or inconsistency between these Official Rules and any applicable Additional Rules, the Additional Rules will take precedence. Any reference to the “Official Rules” with respect to the subject matter of any Additional Rules includes the applicable Additional Rules.
    2. Binding Contract. These Official Rules (including the applicable Additional Rules) form a binding contract between the Promoter, the Club and each Prize Draw participant (a “Participant”). Entry into any Prize Draw constitutes a Participant’s agreement to the Official Rules and the Promoter’s decisions, which are (subject to Section 19) final and binding in all matters relating to the Website and all Prize Draws. If you do not agree to these Official Rules (including the applicable Additional Rules) do not enter the Prize Draw(s).
    3. Updates to the Official Rules. These Official Rules may be updated from time to time. Please check these Official Rules (including all relevant Additional Rules) each time you enter any Prize Draw to ensure that you understand the terms that apply at the time that you enter that Prize Draw.
  4. ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible to enter a Prize Draw or be awarded the prize(s) identified on each Prize Draw’s webpage on the Website (each a “Prize(s)”), a Participant must fully comply with the Official Rules (including the Additional Rules). Prize Draws are only open to individuals who at the time of entry to a Prize Draw and at the time the Winner/ Potential Winner (as appropriate) is selected: (i) are at least 18 years of age; (ii) are NOT in one or more of the “Prohibited Persons” categories listed in Section 4(A) (below); and (iii) are legal residents in the United Kingdom. ClubFunder may require Participants to provide documentary evidence (e.g. copy of a passport, driving licence or recent utility bill) to verify their eligibility.

      Prohibited Persons: Unless the Additional Rules state otherwise, the following individuals are not eligible to enter or win a Prize Draw:

    1. any employees, officers, and/or directors of ClubFunder;
    2. any employees, officers, and/or directors of the following (collectively the “Prize Draw Partners”): (a) third-parties involved in the administration of the Prize Draw, if applicable, identified in the applicable Additional Rules; and (b) any contractor or other partner engaged by ClubFunder under a contract which expressly prohibits the contractor/ other partner from entering a Prize Draw;
  5. HOW TO ENTER: Each Prize Draw will have a starting date and time and ending date and time (the “Entry Period”) specified in the Additional Rules. Only those entries received by the Promoter during the Entry Period will be valid. The Promoter will be the official timekeeper for all Prize Draws.

    1. Prize Draws: All Prize Draws require each Participant to be registered with ClubFunder before being able to enter a Prize Draw. To register with ClubFunder, visit the Website and select the ‘Get Started’ button and follow the instructions. Once registered, ClubFunder will provide the following two (2) methods of entry to any Prize Draw:

      1. Paid Method of Entry (“Paid Method of Entry”): To enter by this method, visit and select “Find a Draw” button to search for your preferred Prize Draw. Choose the applicable entry fee amount(s) to purchase entries ( “Entry Fee” ). Each Entry Fee amount will come with a set number of entries into the chosenPrize Draw. Follow the instructions to enter your payment information and complete your payment. Once your payment is complete, you will automatically receive the number of entries you selected and be entered for a chance to win the Prize Draw. You can enter as many times as you wish so long as you don’t exceed the maximum Entry Limit (as defined below), if applicable.

        ClubFunder may, in its discretion, run various promotions in connection with the Paid Method of Entry. For example, it may, for a temporary period during the Entry Period, offer Participants “bonus entries” in connection with the Paid Method of Entry, or it may offer Participants the opportunity to enter multiple Prize Draws simultaneously, for a reduced Entry Fee. Each entry that is purchased in connection with any special promotion (a) will constitute a single, independent entry in the applicable Prize Draw(s), (b) will be treated in exactly the same way as any other entry to the Prize Draw(s) (including being subject to any applicable Entry Limit), and (c) will have the same chance of winning as any other entry. Any additional terms applicable in relation to a special promotion will be made clear to Participants taking advantage of a special promotion prior to entry.

      2. Alternate Method of Entry (“Alternate Method of Entry”): Write or type your full, legal name, home address (no post office box addresses accepted), city, post code, phone number (optional), email address and the full name of the Prize Draw you want to enter and the name of the Club hosting the Prize Draw (for example, “Bishop Auckland Snooker Club – 20 Hours Table Time & £50 Drinks Voucher”), on either a postcard or letter. Post the completed entry to ClubFunder’s Registered Office. No mechanically reproduced entries are permitted. There is a limit of one (1) entry per outer mailing envelope or postcard. Each eligible entry received via the Alternate Method of Entry will be equivalent to a single entry into the relevant Prize Draw. The entry will be deemed to be submitted at the point of receipt and processing by the Promoter. You can enter by the Alternative Method of Entry as many times as you wish so long as you don’t exceed any applicable, maximum Entry Limit.
    2. Monthly Subscriber Cash Draws: ClubFunder may, in its sole and absolute discretion, allow Participants to enter Cash Draws by a monthly subscription on the Website (each a “Monthly Subscriber Cash Draw” ) subject to the Subscription Terms of Use. Monthly Subscriber Cash Draws are those Prize Draws where:

      (a) Participants who have a monthly subscription that is priced at a level greater than £2.50 per month during the specific timeframe in the Additional Rules will be automatically entered into the Monthly Subscriber Cash Draw for the particular Club chosen; and

      (b) Participants who have an active monthly subscription on the Website during the specific timeframe in the Additional Rules (and the relevant subscription payment has not been refunded) will be automatically entered into all subsequent Monthly Subscriber Cash Draws for their chosen Club within the specified timeframe applicable to the level of subscription until their subscription is cancelled or the applicable Monthly Subscriber Cash Draw is cancelled.

      (c) – Monthly subscribers may purchase additional entries into any Prize Draw via the Paid Method of Entry or the Alternative Method of Entry in addition to entry via a Monthly Subscriber Cash Draw.

  6. ENTRY LIMITATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS: Only accurate and complete entries submitted and received by the Promoter during the Entry Period are eligible. Any inaccurate, incomplete, illegible, corrupted, or untimely entries are void and ineligible to win. Proof of submission will not be deemed to be proof of receipt by the Promoter. The Promoter is not responsible for lost, late, illegible, mutilated, delayed, postage due, incomplete, invalid, unintelligible, misdirected, technically corrupted or garbled entries, or for other submission problems of any kind, whether caused by mechanical, human or electronic error, all of which are void and ineligible to win. Additionally, the Promoter is not responsible for any telephone, electronic, hardware, software, network, Internet, or computer malfunctions, failures, or difficulties. If a Participant’s entry fee is refunded, any entries associated with such entry fee will be withdrawn and not eligible to win.

    1. Entry Limit: Unless the Additional Rules say otherwise, there is no cumulative maximum number of entries that any one person may obtain (the “Entry Limit”). However, in respect of the Paid Method of Entry only, the Promoter reserves the right at any time to (i) introduce an Entry Limit; and/or (ii) limit the amount that any Participant may spend (whether in aggregate, on a particular Prize Draw, or via a particular payment method) in a defined period or otherwise. Unless the Additional Rules say otherwise, there shall be no such Entry Limit in respect of the Alternate Method of Entry. If a Participant exceeds an applicable Entry Limit for a Prize Draw, all entries in excess of the Entry Limit will be void and ineligible to win. ClubFunder will not refund Participants for any Entry Fees that the Participant paid for those void and ineligible entries that exceed the applicable Entry Limit.
    2. Required Information: Participants must provide all required information specified on the Prize Draw’s page or entry form to be eligible to enter and win.
    3. Valid Email Address: Participants must not use multiple email addresses or identities to enter our Prize Draws, and doing so may void all entries for that Participant and result in disqualification of the Participant at the Promoter’s discretion. To receive valid entries, at the time of submission, a Participant must provide a valid email address for which the Participant is the authorised owner. Multiple Participants may not share the same email address. In the event of a dispute as to the identity of any Participant, the authorised account holder of the email address used to enter will be deemed to be the Participant. The “authorised account holder” is the natural person assigned an email address by an internet access provider, online service provider or other organisation responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the submitted address. Potential Winners and/or Winners (as defined below) may be required to show proof of being the authorised account holder. Any entries connected to an invalid, non- working, or inactive email address, or linked to an authorised account holder other than Participant, are void and ineligible to win.
    4. No Automated Entry Devices: All entries must be submitted by the individual Participant to be valid. Use, or attempted use, of any robotic, automated, programmed, mechanical, or other non-manual entry methods, will void all entries for that Participant and result in disqualification of the Participant from all Prize Draws, at the Promoter’s discretion. No copies, facsimiles, or other mechanical or electronic reproductions of entries will be accepted. The Promoter, using its reasonable discretion, will determine whether a Participant has used or attempted to use any such prohibited automated entry methods.
    5. Contact Details: By entering any Prize Draw, you agree that ClubFunder may contact you via email, phone, and post in connection with the Prize Draw in accordance with the Privacy Policy.
  7. RELEASE: The Participant releases the Prize Draw Partners, and any advertising platform used in connection with the promotion of any Prize Draw, including, without limitation, the Facebook platform owned and operated by Meta Platforms, Inc., Google LLC, Instagram, Inc., Pinterest, Inc., Reddit, Inc., Snap Inc., Twitter, Inc., and any of their respective parents, subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively “Advertising Platforms”) from all liability, loss or damage or expense arising out of or in connection with participation in any Prize Draw or the acceptance, use, or misuse of any Prizes.
  8. WINNER DRAWINGS: Potential winner(s) of a Prize Draw (each a “Potential Winner” ) will be selected using a verifiably random process from among all eligible entries received. The drawing will occur on or after the end of the Entry Period or as specified in the applicable Additional Rules. The selected winning entry will be announced on the Website following the drawing, with the identity of the winner announced (subject to Section 9 and Section 13) following the completion of all identification and verification processes in accordance with these Official Rules. Once confirmed and verified as eligible to win, a Potential Winner is referred to herein as a “Winner”. The odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received during the Entry Period.
  9. WINNER NOTIFICATION PROCESS: Potential Winners will be contacted using the email address used to enter the Prize Draw and may be awarded the Prize(s) subject to confirmation of verification of eligibility and compliance with the terms of these Official Rules (including the applicable Additional Rules and Additional Rules). Potential Winners must respond to the Potential Winner notification email within the time frame indicated in the Potential Winner notification email, If a Potential Winner fails to respond to the notification email within the stated timeframe, then that Potential Winner may be disqualified and will forfeit any claim to any Prize(s). After sending the Potential Winner notification email, to the extent a phone number has been provided, the Promoter reserves the right to also contact Potential Winners via telephone or any other appropriate method.
  10. CONFIRMATION AND VERIFICATION OF POTENTIAL WINNERS: A Potential Winner will only be confirmed as the winner eligible to receive the Prize(s) after the Promoter has completed verification of Potential Winner’s eligibility to win and confirmed Potential Winner’s compliance with the Official Rules (including the applicable Additional Rules and Additional Rules). The Potential Winner must be willing and able to claim and/or accept the Prize(s) in full in the period specified by the Promoter. Potential Winners are subject to confirmation and verification by the Promoter, by whatever reasonable means required by the Promoter. To be confirmed and verified as eligible to win, a Potential Winner and the Potential Winner’s guest(s), if applicable, must comply with these Official Rules (including the applicable Additional Rules and Additional Rules). Subject to Section 19, the Promoter’s decisions are final and binding in all matters related to the administration, operating, drawing, verification of the Winner, and all issues related to the Prize Draws.

    1. Winner Documentation: To receive the Prize(s), and as part of the Winner confirmation and verification process, Potential Winner (and any guests of Potential Winner, to the extent that a Prize includes participation by one or more guests) must accurately complete and promptly return any legal releases or documentation (for instance, if the Prize involves attendance at an event and/or travel, health and safety forms, including any vaccination attestations, including, providing proof of the same in a format determined by the Promoter’s reasonable discretion) reasonably required by the Promoter or the provider of the Prize(s) (where permitted by law) and/or any other document necessary to confirm and verify a Potential Winner’s eligibility and ability to participate on given dates relevant to the Prize Draw (if applicable) (collectively the “Winner Documentation”). Potential Winner must fully and accurately complete Winner Documentation and return all such documentation by the reasonable date specified by the Promoter, or the Potential Winner may be disqualified and will forfeit any claim to any of the Prize(s).
    2. Background Checks: Except where legally prohibited, ClubFunder reserves the right to conduct background screenings or security checks, at its discretion, on a Potential Winner and any Potential Winner guests, where applicable, and the Potential Winner agrees to sign any necessary documentation required for such checks. This will always be done in accordance with ClubFunder’s Privacy Policy. The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify any Potential Winner and any Potential Winner’s guest(s) based on the results of such background check (or the background check of Potential Winner’s guest(s), if applicable), if the Club or Promoter reasonably determines that awarding the Prize(s) to such Potential Winner and/or Potential Winner’s guest(s) would (i) contravene any relevant law or regulation; or (ii) be likely to put the Promoter, any of the other Prize Draw Partners, or any other third-party in danger. Unless legally required, the Promoter is not obligated to clarify, confirm, or share any specific results of a background screening or security check with any Potential Winner or any Potential Winner’s guest(s), whether the background screening or security check resulted in disqualification or not. When requested, Potential Winner and Potential Winner’s guest(s), if applicable, must provide authorisation and/or complete any forms reasonably needed to facilitate such a background screening or security check. If Potential Winner and/or Potential Winner’s guest(s) fails to sign and return the required documentation within the period specified by the Promoter, Potential Winner and/or Potential Winner’s guest(s) may be disqualified and will forfeit any claim to any of the Prize(s). Except for Prize Draws in which Winner and/or Winner’s guest(s) qualifications, requirements or restrictions may be stated in the Additional Rules (for example, any residency or citizenship requirements, age requirements or health requirements), Potential Winners and Potential Winner guests will not be disqualified based on race (including colour, nationality or ethnic or national origin), religion or belief, gender reassignment, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, or pregnancy and maternity, or any other protected characteristics.
  11. WINNER DISQUALIFICATION: A Participant, Potential Winner and/or Winner may be ineligible to receive the Prize(s) and/or disqualified for the following reasons: (i) failures to meet all of the eligibility requirements stated in the Official Rules, (ii) failures to abide by these Official Rules (including the applicable Additional Rules), the Privacy Notice, Terms of Use, Subscription Terms of Use (iii) failure to provide a valid email address at the time of entry, (iv) failure to respond to the Potential Winner notification email within the time specified in these Official Rules, (v) ClubFunder, having made all reasonable attempts to do so, is unable to contact the Potential Winner within 7 days of the relevant drawing of the Potential Winner for the Prize Draw, (vi) ClubFunder is unable to verify the identity and verification of the Potential Winner to its reasonable satisfaction within 7 working days of the relevant drawing of the Potential Winner for the Prize Draw, (vii) failure to timely complete Winner Documentation and/or background screening and/or security check documents (as set out in Section 10 above), (viii) failure to pass the background screening and/or security check to the Promoter’s reasonable satisfaction, (ix) the provision of false, incomplete and/or misleading information to the Promoter, Club or any of the other Prize Draw Partners, (x) the commission of any fraud or deception in connection with any Prize Draws, use of the Website, and/or relationship with the Promoter, (xi) acting in a threatening, abusive, or harassing manner, at any time before or during the awarding of the Prize(s), to the Promoter and/or any of its personnel, (xii) inability to timely accept the Prize(s) for any reason, including, but not limited to, inability to travel to the location where the Prize(s) is being fulfilled and/or delivered, and/or injury or death, and (xiii) the inability of the Promoter to timely award or otherwise fulfil the Prize(s) due to circumstances beyond the Promoter’s reasonable control, including, but not limited to, legal restrictions, acts of God, natural disasters, pandemics/epidemics, terrorism, and/or weather.

    If a Potential Winner is determined to be ineligible and/or disqualified for any reason, an alternate Potential Winner may at ClubFunder’s sole discretion be selected using a verifiably random process from among all remaining eligible entries. Any alternate Potential Winner will be notified as per the procedures outlined in these Official Rules.

  12. PRIZES: Subject to any restrictions expressly stated in the Official Rules, or Additional Rules, Winners will receive the Prize(s) indicated on each Prize Draw’s webpage. The Prize ultimately awarded may vary from the Prize indicated on each Prize Draw’s webpage depending on the final determined number of entries, failed entry payments or cancelled subscriptions etc and may be more or less than the Prize initially indicated. The specifics of all elements of all Prizes (including important information about timing for fulfilment of Prize(s), travel options and requirements, guests etc.) shall be solely determined by the Promoter and set out in the Additional Rules. To avoid disappointment, please read the Additional Rules carefully before entering any Prize Draw to make sure that you are available on required dates and/or can travel to the Prize(s) venue(s) if needed.

    Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all Prizes are awarded as is, without any representations or warranties (other than those which cannot be excluded by applicable law), and cannot be transferred, sold, substituted, or redeemed for cash by Participant, the Promoter reserves the right, in the Promoter’s sole discretion, to substitute any Prize with an alternative item of comparable or greater value or cash.

    Unless expressly stated otherwise in the Additional Rules, Winners are solely responsible for any and all applicable taxes, fees and expenses related to acceptance, ownership and use of a Prize. Once Prizes have been provided to the Winner, ClubFunder will not replace any lost or stolen Prize(s) or components of a Prize. Prize(s) cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion or offer. Only the number of Prizes stated in the Additional Rules are available to be won in a Prize Draw.

    All Winners are entitled, at their discretion, to decline to accept some or all of the Prize(s) at any time up to the date on which they are announced as the Winner, and, in such instances will be deemed to have forfeited the Prize. If at any time and for any reason a Winner chooses to reject some or all of the Prize(s), or fails to accept the delivery of the Prize(s) within a reasonable period, Winner will not be entitled to any alternative Prize, in whole or in part, or any other compensation of any kind, and the Promoter shall have no obligation to award the rejected or unclaimed portion of any Prize(s) to an alternative winner.

    Certain types of Prizes may have other restrictions or limitations, including without limitation as follows, unless otherwise specified in the applicable Additional Rules:

    1. Prize manufacturers: Prize Draws are not sponsored, endorsed, approved, or affiliated with the manufacturer of the Prize(s) being awarded. Prize manufacturer names and logos are the trademarks and property of the manufacturer of the Prize(s). Actual Prize(s) to be awarded may not be identical to those depicted which are intended to be only representative.
    2. Prizes of Gift Cards, Reward Codes and Voucher Codes: Prizes of gift cards, reward codes and/or voucher codes will be subject to the relevant terms and conditions of the applicable third party retailer/ rewards programme operator.
    3. Prizes That Include a Travel Component: For all travel Prize Draws, Participant must travel on the dates and itinerary specified by ClubFunder or the Club in the Additional Rules. Any included airfare is economy class from the major gateway airport nearest Winner’s residence, or other alternative gateways approved by the Promoter in its sole and absolute discretion. Any hotel accommodations are standard class, double occupancy unless otherwise specified. Actual retail value of any trip Prize Draw will depend on the Winner’s place of residence and the difference between the approximate retail value and the actual retail value will not be awarded. Winner and Winner’s guest(s), if applicable, must travel on the same itinerary, unless otherwise approved by the Promoter in its sole and absolute discretion. Lost or stolen tickets, travel vouchers or certificates or similar items will not be replaced once they are in your possession. Any expenses not specified in Additional Rules, including, but not limited to, itinerary change fees, checked baggage fees, meals and gratuities, transfers, and ground transportation, are the sole responsibility of Winner and Winner’s guest(s). Travel and accommodations may be subject to certain additional restrictions (as will be specified in the Additional Rules) and blackout dates may apply. If specific dates are indicated for travel, and Winner cannot travel on those specified dates, the Prize will be forfeited and may be awarded to an alternate Winner selected by a verifiably random process from all remaining eligible entries. In such instances, the forfeiting Winner will not be entitled to any alternate prizes or compensation of any kind. Winner and Winner’s guest(s), if applicable, are responsible for all required travel documentation and identification including, without limitation and as applicable, any passport or visa, as well as meeting any other requirements for entry into the applicable destination. Winner’s guest(s), if applicable, must also sign a release before ticketing. Winner’s guest(s) must be over the age of majority in the jurisdiction in which Winner’s guest(s) resides or the Winner who accompanies them must be their parent or legal guardian, unless otherwise specified in the applicable Additional Rules. If, in the Promoter’s judgment, air travel is not required due to Winner’s proximity to the Prize location, the Promoter may provide ground transportation as a substitute for air travel at the Promoter’s sole discretion.
    4. Prizes That Include Winning A Vehicle: The Winner of the Prize vehicle is not eligible for any cash rebate programs. ClubFunder will settle the following taxes and costs incurred by the winner of any Prize Draw involving vehicles in relation to their acceptance and use of the Prize vehicle: title costs, licence fees, registration fees. Winner will be solely responsible for any additional equipment/accessories not specified in the Additional Rules or these Official Rules, insurance, fuel, vehicle maintenance and all other fees and expenses associated with the receipt and use of any vehicle-related Prize. If the Prize is a lease of a vehicle, Winner will be responsible for complying with the standard provisions of the applicable lease and shall be responsible for excess wear/use and mileage over the miles specified in such lease at a cost per additional mile/km stated in such lease. For any Prize vehicle, neither the Promoter, other Prize Draw Partners, nor the vehicle manufacturer has made nor is responsible or liable for any warranty, representation, or guarantee, express or implied, in fact, or law, relative to the Prize vehicle, including but not limited to its quality, mechanical condition or fitness (other than those which cannot be excluded by applicable law). Notwithstanding, the Prize vehicle may include the manufacturer’s standard vehicle limited warranty, as stated in the vehicle’s Owner’s Guide. Actual Prize Draw vehicles to be awarded may not be the vehicle depicted in advertising but is of similar specification. The Promoter will determine the interior/exterior colors of the vehicle at its sole discretion. The Winner may be required to show proof of valid insurance and driver’s licence prior to receipt of the vehicle. The Winner must take delivery of vehicle at a location and time of the Promoter’s reasonable request. The Promoter reserves the right to delay vehicle delivery or substitute a similar vehicle of equal or greater value should the vehicle as described be unavailable for any reason beyond the Promoter’s reasonable control.
    5. Prizes That Include Attending an Event: If the event is delayed or rescheduled for any reason beyond the Promoter’s control, tickets for the delayed or rescheduled event may be provided at the reasonable discretion of the Promoter. If the event is cancelled for any reason, the remainder of the Prize, if any, will be awarded without the scheduled event or the Promoter otherwise may substitute a Prize of equal or greater value in its reasonable discretion. Winner’s guest(s) must be 18 or older or the Winner who accompanies them must be their parent or legal guardian, unless as otherwise specified on the applicable Additional Rules.
    6. Prizes That Include Meeting or Greeting any Person: Whilst ClubFunder will use reasonable efforts to ensure the availability of the person(s) being met, any meet and greet portion of a Prize Draw is subject to availability of the person(s) being met, which could change at short notice (for example, in the event of injury, illness, bereavement or death). In the case of unavailability, the remainder of the Prize, if any, will be awarded without the meet and greet portion, and the Potential Winner may be required to take reasonable prize alternatives, if available, as part of the Prize.
    7. Prizes That Involve Participating in a Physical Event: the Promoter may require Winner and Winner’s guest(s), if applicable, to be examined by a doctor or other appropriate medical professional before participating in the event. The Promoter and/or Prize Draw Partners reserve the right to decline participation in the event to any Winner or Winner’s guest(s), if applicable, if it is deemed that individual is unfit, in an unsafe condition, acting in an unsafe manner, fails to meet the requirements of that particular component of the event (which may include, without limitation, height/weight, age or ability requirements, vaccination requirements, or the health of the participant) or for any other reason as determined by the Promoter in its reasonable discretion. In such circumstances, the Potential Winner may be required to take cash or other prize alternatives, if available, as part of the Prize Draw.
  13. PUBLICITY: ClubFunder reserves the right to publish or make available information that indicates that a valid award took place for each of the Prize Draws – for example, the surname and country and county of residence of the Winner. Affected Winners have the right to select that they object to all or part of this information being published or made available – in such event they should inform ClubFunder in writing. In such circumstances, entrants acknowledge that ClubFunder must nevertheless still provide the information and winning entry to the ASA or equivalent regulator on request.
  14. GENERAL CONDITIONS: The Promoter reserves the right to cancel, suspend, and/or modify a Prize Draw, in whole or in part, due to any fraud, bugs, virus, technical failures, changes in the law, or any other factor beyond the Promoter’s reasonable control that impairs the integrity or proper functioning of a Prize Draw, as reasonably determined by ClubFunder. The Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion and at any time, to conduct maintenance for the Website or its systems that may suspend or otherwise impact access to a Prize Draw.



  15. REFUNDS, RETURNS, AND EXCHANGES: Each Entry Fee supports a good cause and entry to the Prize Draws may enable you to win Prize(s). A proportion of each Entry Fee goes to the Club and helps them create real impact – as such, we do not provide refunds for Entry Fees once a Prize Draw has closed.
  16. CHANGES TO THESE OFFICIAL RULES: ClubFunder may amend these Official Rules (including any individual Additional Rules) at any time by posting the amended Official Rules on the Website, and you agree that you will be bound by any changes to these Official Rules from the date they are published on the Website. If, however, you have already entered a Prize Draw, the changes will not apply to any entries that you have already submitted, but they will apply to any future entries that you submit after the date on which the change becomes effective. The date of last revision of these Official Rules is included at the top of this page.
  17. PARTICIPANT’S BREACH OF THESE OFFICIAL RULES: A Participant is responsible for compensating the following persons in full for any losses or damage they suffer which is a foreseeable result of Participant’s breach of these Official Rules: the Promoter, all the other Prize Draw Partners, and their respective parent, subsidiary, and affiliated companies, and any other person or organization responsible for sponsoring, fulfilling, administering, advertising, or promoting a Prize Draw. Loss or damage is foreseeable if it was an obvious consequence of the Participant’s breach or if it was contemplated at the time that Participant entered the relevant Prize Draw.
  18. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY; SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY: Nothing in these Official Rules excludes or limits ClubFunder’s liability for: (i) death or personal injury caused by our negligence; (ii) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; and (iii) any matter in respect of which it would be unlawful for us to exclude or restrict our liability.

    If ClubFunder fails to comply with these Official Rules, ClubFunder will be responsible for the loss or damage Participant suffers that is a foreseeable result of ClubFunder’s breach of these Official Rules or its negligence, but ClubFunder is not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if it was an obvious consequence of our breach or if it was contemplated by Participant and ClubFunder at the time that Participant entered the relevant Prize Draw.

    Notwithstanding the second paragraph of this section and save as set out in the first paragraph of this section, ClubFunder’s maximum liability to you under these Official Rules (including the Additional Rules), our aggregate liability to you or any third party in any circumstance shall not exceed one hundred British pounds sterling (£100).

    If for any reason, a Participant’s entry is confirmed to have been erroneously deleted, lost, or otherwise destroyed or corrupted, Participant’s sole remedy is another entry in a Prize Draw.

  19. GOVERNING LAW; JURISDICTION: These Official Rules are governed by the laws of England and Wales. This means that your participation in the Prize Draws and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection therewith (including non-contractual disputes or claims), will be governed by English law. You can bring proceedings in respect of these Official Rules in the English courts. However, as a consumer, if you live in another part of the UK you will also benefit from any mandatory provisions of your local laws and can bring legal proceedings in respect of these Official Rules in either the English courts or the competent court of your country of habitual residence.
  20. GENERAL:

    1. Amendments/Revisions: These Official Rules may only be amended and/or revised in writing by ClubFunder (including by publishing such revisions by ClubFunder on the Website).
    2. Relationship of Parties: You agree that no joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship exists between you and ClubFunder as a result of these Official Rules or your use of the Website.
    3. Assignment: ClubFunder may assign these Official Rules, in whole or in part, to any person or entity at any time with or without your consent, provided that such assignment will not affect your rights or obligations under these Official Rules, ClubFunder will notify you in advance of such assignment, and you may withdraw from any Prize Draw in the event you object to ClubFunder’s assignment of these Official Rules. You may not assign these Official Rules without ClubFunder’s prior written consent, and any unauthorised assignment by you shall be null and void.
    4. Severability: Each of the terms of these Official Rules operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful or unenforceable, the remaining terms will remain in full force and effect.
    5. No Waiver: If we fail to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Official Rules, or if we do not enforce our rights against you, or if we delay in doing so, that will not mean that we have waived our rights against you and will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If we do waive a default by you, we will only do so in writing, and that will not mean that we will automatically waive any later default by you.
  21. PERSONAL INFORMATION: the Promoter only uses Participant’s personal information in accordance with the ClubFunder Privacy Notice and Cookie Notice (together referred to here as the “Privacy Policy”). Please take the time to read the Privacy Notice as it includes important information and terms which apply to each Participant.
  22. CONTACTING CLUBFUNDER: ClubFunder is the promoter of all Prize Draws. All questions and concerns regarding these Official Rules should be directed to Alternatively, you can write to us at: Lotingo Limited, Units 8/9 Parsons Court, Welbury Way, Aycliffe Business Park, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham DL5 6ZE Attn: ClubFunder Customer Service.

    Unless otherwise provided on a Prize Draw webpage on the Website, each Prize Draw on the Website is not sponsored, endorsed, or affiliated in any way with any advertising platform used in connection with the promotion of any Prize Draw, including, without limitation, the Facebook platform owned and operated by Meta Platforms, Inc., Google LLC, Instagram, Inc., Pinterest, Inc., Reddit, Inc., Snap Inc., Twitter, Inc., and any of their respective parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates.

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